
Delete Account

We’re sorry to see you go! If you wish to proceed with the deletion of your Incredible Maths account, please follow the steps below.

Deletion Process:

  1. Send an email to our support team at support@incrediblemaths.com from the email address associated with your account.
  2. Subject: Account Deletion Request
  3. In the body of the email, please include your User ID for verification purposes.

Important Notes:

  • Ensure that the email is sent from the same email address linked to your Incredible Maths account.
  • Partial Deletion Option: If you prefer to retain certain data and only delete specific information, please specify your requirements in the email. Our support team will work with you to accommodate your partial deletion request.

What Happens Next:

  • We will contact you if we need any additional information
  • You will receive a confirmation email once your account deletion request has been successfully processed.
  • Your account data, including personal information, usage history, and any stored content, will be permanently deleted from our system.

Need Assistance? If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the account deletion process, please do not hesitate to contact our support team at support@incrediblemaths.com. We are here to help!

Thank you for being a part of the Incredible Maths community. If you ever decide to come back, we’ll be here to welcome you.

The Incredible Maths Team