Please note: This page contains preview versions of Incredible Maths. These versions may not be tested or supported on your device, and therefore you may experience issues, bugs or missing functionality while using the app.
The below downloads are available for devices that are currently unsupported by the official version of Incredible Maths available on Google Play. Before using the download below, please check if you can download the official version from Google Play here.
With the launch of the Windows Subsystem for Android available on Windows 11 devices, we are distributing a preview version of Incredible Maths here for you to download and try out on your Windows 11 device. Please note this version has not been tested on Windows 11 machines, and therefore you may encounter incompatibilities when using it.
As of 03-03-2022 we can confirm we have been able to run Incredible Maths on Windows 11
Install guide
Here are 2 videos which we recommend to you to help you install Incredible Maths on Windows 11